

   Text Editor

With our text editor, create all the texts to be inserted in your works of cross stitch. Our conversion tool will transform them into cross stitch chart.

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The software

Large Size Print
 is offered to you to easily allow you to print your grid with format png in large size (until the A0 format) on several pages with your A4 printer!.


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Create into 5 clicks your own cross stitch charts

Create into 5 clicks your own cross stitch charts  starting from a personal picture you have on your hard disk drive, any image on Internet or among our patterns library :

1. Select your image (GIF, jpg or png).
2. Choose your tool : DMC or Anchor.
3. Choose the number of colors.
4. Choose your type of fabric.
5. Define the maximum size of the work.

Click on the button "preview the result".

If you like the preview, just click on ? Buy ? to buy the grid. You don’t need cheque or credit card. Just call a number with your phone. You will be delivered a code ... that’s all.

A new page will open with your cross stitch chart ready to use in DMC or Anchor colors with its legend containing the references of wire and the quantity, for each color, of leas necessary has the realization of the work.

You just have to print directly or to save the chart into the format png then to print it with the software "Large Size Print", very easy to use which enables you to print your grid in large size (until the A0 format) with your A4 printer!

Easy, no ?


Offrer ce cadeau personnalisé original pour la Fête des Pères, le 16 juin 2024

Comme pour la fête des mères, l'idée de fêter les papas est née aux Etats Unis. C'est à Spokane, ville située dans l'état de Washington au Nord Ouest des Etats Unis au début du 20e siècle. Moins populaire que la fête des mères en France, la fête des pères fait quand même partie de nos dates officielles. C'est en 1952, deux ans après l'officialisation de la fête des mères, que la France institua une date pour la fête des pères. Cette année, pensez à souhaiter une bonne fête à votre papa le 18 juin prochain.

événement suivant : Noël, le 25 decembre 2024. Voir la liste des occasions d'offrir un cadeau personnalisé

Try it for free

1. Select an image

Format : gif,jpg ou png, Max Size : 500x500 pixels , Weight : 500 Ko max
How to prepare your photos before sending for a better result!
or on your hard disk drive :
or on internet :
or in our library :
choose an image in our library of images

Currently Selected Charts :

2. Choose your favorite leas ref :

3. A Number of Colors :

4. Choose your type of fabric :

5. Maximum Size of Work :
width : cm    height : cm
If the image is too large, it will be recut to adapt to the size of your work.
If, on the other hand, the image has a lower resolution has the maximum size of work, it will keep its origin size (1 pixel=1 cross)
The maximum size of a chart is of 640 x 480 cross.

Options of chart render :

Chart with colors AND symbols
Chart with colors WITHOUT symbols
Chart in BLACK AND WHITE with symbols

I have the authorizations in terms of royalties for the use of this image.

click on the button :

Copyright 2004-2024,. Tous les éléments de ce site sont la propriété de leurs auteurs respectifs.
Toutes reproductions, distributions, commercialisations, copies sous quelques formes que ce soit est strictement interdit sous peine de poursuites.

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